Best Python IDE for beginners

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the environment where you can compile, build and run codes. It makes simpler programming and software development. In this article, I will recommend which is the best python IDE for beginners. Each IDE of the list below is free, so you can explore them before making the choice.

But first, which are the main benefits of using a good IDE?

Syntax Highlighting

Most modern IDE highlight the keywords of the programming language.

This is the effect of syntax highlighting and line numbers:


A good IDE allows you to autocomplete what you’re more likely to type next, making coding significantly faster and simpler.


This is the effect of autocompletion after I begin typing, it suggests the available functions I can run and test.

Building Executables

IDE takes care of interpreting the code, running the scripts, building executables, and debugging the applications.

Now let’s see a list with the best python ide for beginners.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free and open-source IDE created by Microsoft. I find it a great IDE in general, but also in Python. This is because VS Code is lightweight and comes with powerful features.
What I prefer most about VS is the Git integration. I would recommend it to all programmers since in the very first projects, to integrate them with a Git platform. VS comes with awesome themes and additional features like code linting.


Atom is an open-source code editor by GitHub and supports Python development. I prefer Atom because it supports custom commands for the user to interact with the editor. Also, it supports cross-platform development.


Thonny is the ideal IDE for teaching and learning Python programming. It is because it offers automatic syntax error detection, a simple debugger, Function evaluations, and a detailed view of variables used in a Python program or project.


IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is very suitable for the beginners level.
It includes an interactive interpreter with syntax highlighting, and error and I/O messages.


Developed by JetBrains in 2010, PyCharm is an IDE used for computer programming. Though this IDE was created for Python primarily, users who are from team-Java can also use PyCharm.

These two editions of PyCharm are free and open-source:

  • Community: for smart and intelligent Python development, including code assistance, refactorings, visual debugging, and version control integration.

  • Edu: for learning programming languages and related technologies with integrated educational tools.

Spyder IDE

Spyder is short for “Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment.” Spyder is released under an open-source license, MIT, and is a project that was also born thanks to Anaconda Inc.

Spyder supports automatic code completion and splitting. It also offers the integration of data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

Which Is the best python IDE for beginners?

I would recommend Visual Studio Code. The IDE you use as a beginner might follow in the next steps too. Visual Studio Code is very efficient in every level of programming.



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